Test Prep
You’ve probably heard the old saying, “Nothing worthwhile comes easily.” Stop for just a moment and think about it. Consider times in your life when you’ve really struggled to reach a goal or do something that someone else said you couldn’t. Do you remember that feeling of accomplishment? My bet is that you remember it […]
Last week, we talked about the ways studying in academic courses can raise your ACT and SAT test scores. Whether you’re studying for academic courses or the SAT or ACT, you need to know your learning style. There are three major learning styles: Auditory, Visual, and Kinesthetic. Most people have some mixture of all three, […]
If you think the only way to prepare for the ACT and SAT is by studying outside the classroom, think again. While it may not seem like class work would improve your abilities on these standardized tests, there’s information showing that it can. After all, exercising your brain is exercising your brain. Interestingly, some statistics […]
It’s more common than you would think. You’ve studied, you’ve prepped, but when it came to game time, the SAT was harder than you gave it credit for. And your scores weren’t what you hoped they would be. The SAT is a tough test and it’s designed to be. First of all, it’s a timed […]
It’s important that students unwind during the summer! While Sophomores and Juniors de-stress, summer test prep can be an incredible boost for their college prep as they start gearing up for the ACT, SAT, and college applications. 1) Summer Test Prep Paves a Smoother Road for College Application Success The ACT and SAT are very particular beasts with strange sets of rules […]
As a student-athlete, you’ve probably learned already that your schedule is not going to look the same as those of your friends who aren’t in sports. You don’t have as much luxury to hang out on weeknights or spend hours on social media. Your minutes are counted, literally, and each one of them counts. It’s […]
The creators of the SAT are geniuses! Not only are they skilled at writing SAT questions, they’re skilled at writing tricky SAT questions with tricky SAT answers. Students get frustrated when they’re unable to sort through two or three similar-sounding answers, and that’s the test-makers’ dream. Think about it: if there was one obviously right […]
Congratulations to ACT student Ashley B. from Lewisville, Texas – she scored a 33 on the April ACT – up 2 points from her December ACT and a full 6 points from the start of her program. Way to go Ashley! Private ACT tutoring works.
Of the four major areas our tutors cover in ACT tutoring programs (Content, Consistency, Timing, Test-Taking Skills), ACT time/pacing is often the most difficult for students to grasp. ACT Reading timing is one of the biggest issues we handle. The ACT test is fast-paced, and the creators craft test sections that will challenge the timing of even […]
My sister, who works in GIS for the Kansas government, recently posted the following on Facebook: Time to draw the line in the sand. If the State of Kansas decides to adopt “innovation” and no longer requires Professional Engineers and Architects to be licensed, I’m moving somewhere with guaranteed structural integrity regardless of “oppressive rules […]