[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Depending on what college you want to attend, a certain ACT or SAT score will be required to get in. Every college and university accepts both tests and treats them equally, so it’s up to you to decide which one is better for you. It’s recommended to take both a practice SAT and a practice ACT […]
It’s more common than you would think. You’ve studied, you’ve prepped, but when it came to game time, the SAT was harder than you gave it credit for. And your scores weren’t what you hoped they would be. The SAT is a tough test and it’s designed to be. First of all, it’s a timed […]
The creators of the SAT are geniuses! Not only are they skilled at writing SAT questions, they’re skilled at writing tricky SAT questions with tricky SAT answers. Students get frustrated when they’re unable to sort through two or three similar-sounding answers, and that’s the test-makers’ dream. Think about it: if there was one obviously right […]
Which test do colleges prefer – SAT or ACT? There used to be an idea that some colleges preferred the SAT and that some preferred the ACT. Although a handful of colleges are moving away from college admissions tests entirely, at this point in time every accredited 4-year US college and university accepts both the […]