Study Skills
Choosing a college to attend can be a challenge. One way to is to determine whether a college or university offers what you need to complete your degree while helping you grow individually. Today, online colleges and universities provide convenience and an opportunity to earn degrees that would have otherwise been out of reach. Flexible […]
Young people today face a lot of pressure to choose their career path early on. College prep starts as early as sixth grade in some schools. By the first year of high school, it’s smart for young people to start researching who they want to be. Yes, too much stress is put on picking a […]
It’s no secret that the cost of college has skyrocketed to unprecedented levels. Fortunately, there is a host of ways for you can defray these costs if you’re willing to get creative. While everyone knows about the academic merit and need scholarships available, there are various other ways that students can help to lower the […]
Summer should be a time of carefree relaxation and fun for teenagers. While you want to encourage your child to harness the freedom of this special season of their life, it’s also important to use the time wisely so that they get the most out of this downtime. Here are four tips to help you […]
In today’s increasingly wired world, it’s easier than ever to leverage the power of the internet to get an education. The rise of online university learning opportunities is providing students with a bevy of non-traditional options. Here’s what high school students need to know about online university learning. Online Universities It is now possible to […]
The rigors of high school can be demanding. From regular coursework to standardized test prep to college admission essays, it can be easy to become stressed by the entire academic experience. Fortunately, there are more resources than ever before available to help students navigate through this anxious time. Here are three resources to consider if […]
No, it isn’t a hashtag or the name of a band you haven’t heard of. SQ3R is an abbreviated form of a method of study proven to make your studying more effective. SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. The idea behind this concept is to work smarter, not harder. There is no need […]
Deadlines + Playoffs + Final Exams + AP Exams + Banquets + Study groups + Applications + ACT/SATs + Dances + Award Ceremonies + Grad Parties + Graduations = Burnout Is your head spinning yet? This time of year is hectic (to say the least), and your batteries are already running pretty low. Staying level-headed is […]
Studying for AP Exams Is a Win-Win The season of AP exams is coming! Daunting AP tests can induce panic in even the best and brightest students who’ve spent an entire year (or more) preparing. While they have no effect on grades, AP exams do offer students the chance to earn college credit without the college price tag: a […]
Effective note-taking skills are necessary to pass any class or test. No matter how you take them, all of your notes should adhere to the same general guidelines. If your notes aren’t taken well, it won’t matter what studying strategy you use. Learning how to take notes will pay off! Note-taking consists of three main […]