college apps
When it comes to college applications, you will likely have to apply either through ApplyTexas or The Common App. While there are guidelines provided to help you navigate through both online applications, trying to do so alone is known to be rough. The college application process is definitely not an easy one, and if you […]
High schoolers have to prepare for college throughout their Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years. This is the last of a three-part series which we hope has been helpful for students, parents, grandparents, and educators. Seniors, you’re on the downslope of your final year in high school, but that doesn’t mean you can let off the gas. […]
We’ve already shared eight things that 10th-graders need to be doing this year and now we’re giving you nine things that 11th-graders should be doing before their senior year. 1. Register for the SAT or ACT exams. You can take one or both, but be sure to do it this spring. This will give you a chance to […]
Applying to colleges is a lot like moving, and moving isn’t fun. Every time I’ve moved, the packing process goes something like this: (6 weeks before) I should really start sorting and packing! (4 weeks before) There’s so much to do, I don’t even know where to start. (2 weeks before) This really isn’t going […]