Ace Your Exams – Helpful Tips for Successful Test Taking
- December 3, 2019
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- Category: Test Prep
Education is vital to success in life; that’s true regardless of your chosen field. Of course, success in education largely depends on being able to achieve good results on examinations. Therefore, whether we like it or not, lots ultimately comes down to success in taking those exams. What many don’t realize is that taking tests is its own skill. No matter how good you are at biology, how well you know American history, or how much training you’ve had as an electrician’s apprentice, if you aren’t good at taking a test, you might not be able to demonstrate your learning. This demand starts for all of us in grade school and accelerates through high school and college. Here are some tips to help with the process.
Find Your Study Style
It all starts with attaining a firm grasp of the material. According to HRCP, group and independent study both have their strengths and weaknesses. Group study can be beneficial in that you’re offered support from other students. Independent study lets you go at your own pace, and you can avoid off-topic discussions. No matter which type you select, it is very important to ask yourself if you are truly grasping the material. This question will allow you to determine whether you should continue with your chosen study style or a change is required to truly learn the concepts.
Use Time Wisely
When it comes to preparing for an upcoming exam, it’s important to allow yourself enough time to not only study the material but also to come back and review. According to Opportunity International, you should be studying with different methods over several days. For most tests, you’ll have at least a month’s notice, which should be sufficient. When exam day comes around, don’t hover too long over a question you don’t know how to answer. Move on to another one you do know. When you do know an answer, simply mark it and move on. Don’t dwell on either sort of question. Come back at the end and go over the ones you skipped.
Make Educated Guesses
Eventually, you’ll be faced with a question that is completely foreign to you. It’s easy to admit defeat and simply guess at an answer, but that’s definitely not your best approach. Although you might not know the answer outright, you can narrow down the possibilities. Begin by eliminating all the options that are obviously wrong. For example, you may not know the year that John F. Kennedy was elected president, but you do know it was in the twentieth century, so you can eliminate 1860. You can also eliminate 1963 because we don’t hold elections in odd-numbered years. You can eliminate 1990 because you’re sure he didn’t live that long. That only leaves 1960, and you’d be right.
Taking an exam at any level of education can be very daunting. However, through implementing some of the tips mentioned above, you can begin to construct a viable strategy for handling tests and achieving the best scores possible. Remember that taking tests is a skill in itself.
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